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Sold at ACA Bookstore

What a Tangled Web We Weave:

Search Marketing for Camps


What a Tangled Web We Weave: Search Marketing for Camps provides an overview of search marketing for camp directors who want to use paid search to drive more, as well as the right, eyeballs to their websites. The DVD reviews tools and Web strategies that camps can utilize to test alternative businesses on their sites. The DVD discusses several topics, including how to use Google, how Facebook can be employed as a marketing tool and, how to get started in search marketing. The DVD also looks at the Web’s ever-increasing role in decision-making processes, a rate that would appear to grow even more in the future.

Google Grants: How a Nonprofit Agency Can Get $10,000 Per Month of Free Google Advertising


Google Grants: How a Nonprofit Agency Can Get $10,000 Per Month of Free Google Advertising details how nonprofit camps/agencies can obtain $10,000 per month of free Google advertising for the foreseeable future. The DVD outlines how to obtain a grant and what it takes to manage it. The DVD also explores five ways in which a camp can conduct a search marketing campaign for a variety of initiatives. In addition, the DVD examines what search marketing is and how it can help you meet your mission.

How Camps Use Search Engine Marketing to Drive More of the Right Website Traffic and to Increase Sales


The only form of advertising that has expanded during the current recession has been search marketing. In fact, Google has emerged as arguably one of the most successful companies in America because of this phenomenon. Camps historically rely on referrals to identify and attract the bulk of their new clients. This situation is changing, however, as their clients increasingly use the Web as their source of information. Accordingly camps are forced to look to the Web as they try to develop new programs and extend their markets. How Camps Use Search Engine Marketing to Drive More of the Right Website Traffic and to Increase Sales details how camps can utilize search engine marketing effectively—to its costs, benefits, and how to measure impact. 

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